Tuesday, April 16, 2019

How Did She Know?

By David Wrolson

What happens to your soul when you are born to be a soldier, but you don't answer the calling?

Writing this at age 52, one of the great mysteries of my life is why I never became a soldier. It was all I ever really wanted to do, really ever. And part of my life seems wrong because of it. I was not true to myself during those crucial enlistment years.

One of my few memories of kindergarten is looking at a picture in a book of President Lincoln flanked by 2 soldiers. A female classmate that was looking at the book said "David (that's me)wants to be a soldier." Had I made it that obvious to my peers at that young age?

Thoughts While Changing a Tire

 As I was struggling to change a tire this morning the thought struck me that it would be almost impossible for an 18-year old girl to chang...